HauptseiteJeff Buckley

Sunday, 29th May 2016

19th Anniversary
of the death of
Jeff Buckley

I I have a big wish.. it would be really wonderful if you could light up a candle on May 29th in memorian of Jeff Buckley who died on this day in the Mississippi / USA. I don´t know if you ever heard of Jeff but please light up this candle in remembrance of this really unique man. If you have any questions about Jeff Buckley feel free to contact me at

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You will live forever in our hearts Jeff !!!!!!

Ample make this bed
make this bed with awe
In it wait till judgement break
excellent and fair.

Be its mattress straight
be its pillow round
Let not sunrise´yellow noise
Interrupt this ground.

(Emily Dickinson)

Copyright Dave McKean

Illustration by Dave McKean